BATTLEGROUNDS DEBRIEF is a stats tracker app for Playerunkowns Battleground on PC, XBOX, and Playstation created by a player for the players.
Search stats by season and game mode or check out your recent matches and chicken dinners!
Game Mode Stats:
See your overall stats for the season and game mode selected!
- Daily/Weekly Kills & Wins
- Overview stats (Rank Title, Rank Points, days/rounds played, wins, top 10s, losses)
- Attack Stats (Kills, downs, assists, damage dealt, headshots, road kills, team kills, suicides)
- Health Stats (top survival time, total time lived, health packs/boosts used and team revives)
- Travel Stats (swim, car, and run travel distances)
Match Stats:
See your personal stats as well as your teammates!
- General Stats (Win place in the match)
- Attack Stats (Kill place, kills, assists, downs, headshots, road kills, team kills, longest kill, damage dealt)
- Health Stats (death type, survival time, health packs/boosts used and team revives)
- Travel Stats (swim, car, and run travel distances)
This is just the beginning, any features or ideas that you would like to see in the app, please leave a comment or contact me at
Talk to you all soon!